Hand Hygiene Standards

Message from Dr. Helen Neighbour, Chair of Clerkship:Your diligence in maintaining hand hygiene s...

Message from Dr. Helen Neighbour, Chair of Clerkship:Your diligence in maintaining hand hygiene standards is vital to patient safety and infection prevention. I want to take a moment to remind you ...

Message from Dr. Helen Neighbour, Chair of Clerkship:Your diligence in maintaining hand hygiene standards is vital to patient safety and infection prevention. I want to take a moment to remind you about the significance of Moment 1 in hand hygiene: before touching a patient. This step is crucial ...

Message from Dr. Helen Neighbour, Chair of Clerkship:Your diligence in maintaining hand hygiene standards is vital to patient safety and infection prevention. I want to take a moment to remind you about the significance of Moment 1 in hand hygiene: before touching a patient. This step is crucial in protecting patients from the transmission of harmful pathogens. Proper hand hygiene before any patient interaction helps prevent the introduction of potentially dangerous germs and is a key part of...

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