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  Viewing lectures using Firefox or Chrome browser

This great tip was submitted by Jenna R. in the forums. Now you can watch your lectures and have the slides in sync with the video. One very minor drawback is it won't allow you to speed up or slow down the lecture.

  1. Open the lecture you wish to view using either FireFox or Chrome
  2. In the address bar, delete "port25#" from the end of the URL(address) and replace it with "sl1" ommitting the quotation marks
  3. That's it, enjoy watching your lectures in your preferred browser

Thanks again Jenna R. for submitting this tip! 

Featured Solutions

  Viewing lectures using Firefox or Chrome browser

This great tip was submitted by Jenna R. in the forums. Now you can watch your lectures and have the slides in sync with the video. One very minor drawback is it won't allow you to speed up or slow down the lecture.

  1. Open the lecture you wish to view using either FireFox or Chrome
  2. In the address bar, delete "port25#" from the end of the URL(address) and replace it with "sl1" ommitting the quotation marks
  3. That's it, enjoy watching your lectures in your preferred browser

Thanks again Jenna R. for submitting this tip! 

Frequently Asked

  Viewing lectures using Firefox or Chrome browser

This great tip was submitted by Jenna R. in the forums. Now you can watch your lectures and have the slides in sync with the video. One very minor drawback is it won't allow you to speed up or slow down the lecture.

  1. Open the lecture you wish to view using either FireFox or Chrome
  2. In the address bar, delete "port25#" from the end of the URL(address) and replace it with "sl1" ommitting the quotation marks
  3. That's it, enjoy watching your lectures in your preferred browser

Thanks again Jenna R. for submitting this tip! 


  Viewing lectures using Firefox or Chrome browser

This great tip was submitted by Jenna R. in the forums. Now you can watch your lectures and have the slides in sync with the video. One very minor drawback is it won't allow you to speed up or slow down the lecture.

  1. Open the lecture you wish to view using either FireFox or Chrome
  2. In the address bar, delete "port25#" from the end of the URL(address) and replace it with "sl1" ommitting the quotation marks
  3. That's it, enjoy watching your lectures in your preferred browser

Thanks again Jenna R. for submitting this tip!