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  How do I change the date when I encountered the ECE?

Assuming you are logging against the correct clerkship, rotation, and site, the actual date you encountered the ECE is unimportant, and we do not log it. The log date is simply the date you logged it, which is the only date we care about.

Featured Solutions

  How do I change the date when I encountered the ECE?

Assuming you are logging against the correct clerkship, rotation, and site, the actual date you encountered the ECE is unimportant, and we do not log it. The log date is simply the date you logged it, which is the only date we care about.

Frequently Asked

  How do I change the date when I encountered the ECE?

Assuming you are logging against the correct clerkship, rotation, and site, the actual date you encountered the ECE is unimportant, and we do not log it. The log date is simply the date you logged it, which is the only date we care about.


  How do I change the date when I encountered the ECE?

Assuming you are logging against the correct clerkship, rotation, and site, the actual date you encountered the ECE is unimportant, and we do not log it. The log date is simply the date you logged it, which is the only date we care about.