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  Completing an assignment

From within the Classroom click on 'Classwork' at the top of the page, click on the assignment you wish to work on.
Read the instructions for the assignment and fill in any attached forms. It's at this point you can also attach any documents you may want to submit. Upon completing the assignment, click 'Turn In' at the top of the screen and it will submit your assignment to the teacher of the class.

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  Completing an assignment

From within the Classroom click on 'Classwork' at the top of the page, click on the assignment you wish to work on.
Read the instructions for the assignment and fill in any attached forms. It's at this point you can also attach any documents you may want to submit. Upon completing the assignment, click 'Turn In' at the top of the screen and it will submit your assignment to the teacher of the class.

Frequently Asked

  Completing an assignment

From within the Classroom click on 'Classwork' at the top of the page, click on the assignment you wish to work on.
Read the instructions for the assignment and fill in any attached forms. It's at this point you can also attach any documents you may want to submit. Upon completing the assignment, click 'Turn In' at the top of the screen and it will submit your assignment to the teacher of the class.


  Completing an assignment

From within the Classroom click on 'Classwork' at the top of the page, click on the assignment you wish to work on.
Read the instructions for the assignment and fill in any attached forms. It's at this point you can also attach any documents you may want to submit. Upon completing the assignment, click 'Turn In' at the top of the screen and it will submit your assignment to the teacher of the class.